CDH Programs


2nd CDH Program

Dental Awareness Notice Distribution
Venue: Private Bus stand Attingal


1st CDH Program

Republic Day Celebration
Flag Hoisting Ceremony & Essential Kit Distribution
Venue: Dr. Ambedkar Memorial Orphanage and Old Age Home, Kodumon, Attingal.


1st CDH Program

Dentist Day Celebration and launching of Placement Portal:
IDA Attingal branch has launched a placement portal for Young Dentists and Specialty Consultants of our branch in connection with Dentist Day.


11th CDH Program

International Yoga Day: 
CDH wing has conducted a free online yoga session on international yoga day
Theme :Yoga at home and yoga with family
Aim :Yoga and its effects on body-mind as it relates to the current situation 


10th CDH Program

Environmental Day observation:
For better life we want better environment, its protection should start from our on family.So we CDH has decided to plant saplings. As part of this our little ones planted sapling on there on homes.


9th CDH Program

Observation of no tobacco day:
As we all know due to covid 19 outbreaks we all stayed at home as government announced total shutdown. So we attingalIDACDH wing has released a lockdown awareness Short film against the tobacco usage among young generation. Film was released by Adv. Adoor Prakash MP in presences of Dr .SherinKhalam ,Dr. Biju, Dr. Abilash, Dr Vishnu ,Dr Anish, Dr. Vinay, Dr Krishnamohan and Dr Alex 


8th CDH Program

Indian Dental Association Attingal branch CDH wing has made COVID 19 PATIENT SAFETY PRECAUTIONS Poster for dental clinics and asked all members to strictly follow the instructions.


7th CDH Program

Oral Cancer Awareness Program And Dental Check Up Camp At Poothakulam Sankara Pillae in association with poothakulam grama panchayat paravoor . Dr.Rahul has taken class about oral cancer. Meeting was chaired by Dr.Sherin .A.Khalam president ida attingal and Mr.Ashok standing committee chairman poothakulam panchayat.
Dental checkup was done for around 100 individuals and given instruction by Dr.Jithin Rajeev ( cdh convener ),Dr.Athul ,Dr.Prashanth 


6th CDH Program

As part of international women's day the ida women's wing attingal branch organized women and children safety awareness programs among teachers, students and parents of government town ups attingal.
The meeting was chaired by Dr. Sherin khalam (president)and V.Radhakrishnan(principal)
Dr Shameema (WDC CHAIRPERSON),Dr Meera (WDC SECRETATRY) had attended the camp
Adv.Hareesh has taken classes for staff and students of school 


5th CDH Program

A camp and parent teacher orientation program was held at pallikal anganawadi on 21.1.2020. A dental checkup camp was held for the students and parents of the anganawadi along with other programs. A total of 50 individuals were examined and given treatment options around 50 note books distributed.


4th CDH Program

As part of national women’s day Indian dental association attingal branch women's wing has adopted mentally retarded girls of Bethsaida rehabilitation centre karyode.

Dr.Abilash (IIP IDA KERALA STATE) Dr.Biju (KDC MEMBER) Dr.Shameema (WDC CHAIRPERSON), Dr.Meera (WDC SECRETATRY) had attended the program

Dr.Biju announced the adoption procedure 


3rd CDH Program

As part of international child health month Indian dental association attingal branch women's wing has conducted dental awareness class and checkup camps for students of amala nursery nilamel
Dr.Abilash (IIP IDA KERALA STATE) Dr.Biju (KDC MEMBER) Dr Shameema (WDC CHAIRPERSON),Dr Meera (WDC SECRETATRY) had attended the camp
Dr Meera (WDC SECRETATRY) took class on oral health in children 


2nd CDH Program

As part of international women's day feb 12 ida attingal branch wdc had conducted awareness class on the topic "defining menstruation through a new sustainable approach" among Asha workers and health staff at FAMILY HEALTH CENTER, MANCODE CHITTHARA.
The topic specified how to reduce synthetic sanitary pads and its replacement by using ecofriendly materials like menstrual cups.

The talk was presented by Mrs.Devika Jayasell. Dr.Shameema(WDC CHAIRPERSON), Dr.Meera (WDC SECRETATRY),Dr.Atheena ,Dr.Rhakee has attended 


1st CDH Program

A camp was held at Government L.P.S Pedikullam .The meeting was inaugurated by Pedikullam panchayat president. Mr Vishnu , in presences of Dr.Abilash (IIP IDA KERALA STATE) Dr.Biju (KDC MEMBER) Dr Shameema (WDC CHAIRPERSON), Dr Meera (WDC SECRETATRY) .
A dental checkup camp was held for the students and Dr.Swathy has conducted an awareness class. A total of 100 individuals were examined and given treatment options. Dr.Abin had attended the camp.

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